Engage your audience with a soundtrack that will be rememeberd

Looking for a specific music genre, or a mix of music genres? Or maybe you’re looking for a professionally produced message to play on-hold or in your business? Whatever your sound strategy, Method-1 has a solution to fit your needs.
of retailers agree that in-store music increases sales and the right kind of music can influence shoppers to spend even more.
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We recommend the exact technology you need to easily deliver your music and/or messaging service.


We send highly-qualified and experienced professionals to ensure every piece of equipment operates at peak performance long after the installation.


Tap into the largest library of licensed-for-business music and create your very own branded soundtrack.


Our intuitive online control systems allows you to customize your music and/or messages at specific times of the day to maximize revenue.


When choosing a program for your business, it helps that we have extensive histories in all facets of the music industry including, business professionals, record labels, bands, singers, songwriters, and musicians.

80% of consumers say in-store messaging influences their buying decisions
2 out of 10 of consumers say in-store messaging influences their buying decisions

On-Hold & In-Store Messaging

Whether in your store or waiting on-hold, the right music combined with professionally-produced messages will keep your guests entertained and in the right buying mood. Method-1 will help you write and produce a targeted in-store and/or on-hold messaging campaign to make the most out of your sound strategy.

Benefits of Audio Marketing

Listening to and playing music has been shown to reduce stress, improve brain function, make us better listeners and boost happiness; that’s why so many businesses are capitalizing on the power of music to increase employee engagement and improve communication and collaboration.

Benefits of Messaging

Using the right music in conjunction with the right voice talent allows you to reinforce your branding and present messages in a tone and style that reflects the values and unique positioning of your brand.